No really, if you smoke, then do smoke. Any break - on day, week, month, followed by smoking again causes greater harm than constant smoking. Therefore, if quit smoking, it must be "smart".
A group of researchers analyzed the lung function of 1116 men and women (from 35 to 68 years). Volunteers were divided into three groups: constant smokers, those who tried to quit and those who never smoked.
It turned out that those who began smoking a year later, inhaled air volume decreased by 5%. For those who never tried to quit smoking: inhaled air volume decreased by 3%. Professor concluded that those who had not been able to live without cigarettes, lost a protective function of the body from tobacco smoke.
It remains to add: a man - a measure of all things. In general, if you smoke - smoke good tobacco, if not - do not disturb people who smoke good tobacco. If quit smoking - do it once.